Friday, December 29, 2017

Passive Income Report: December 2017 ($4,004!!)

What an amazing way to end the year! I literally cannot believe how it ended.  For the last few months I had been saying that I thought it would be a "photo finish" as to whether or not I would reach my passive income goal for the year (of $13,000).  Going in to December, my total was only $9,189 and so I knew I would need a monstrous December monthly total if I was going to make it.

Well, I am very happy to report that I achieved my goal with a grand total of $13,194.24!

Side note - my finger is still in cast and so I will keep this post short, but I do plan to do a 2017 Annual Review in a few weeks where I will highlight more details.

General Thoughts on This Month: This was my best month since the creation of Passive Income Dude with a grand total of $4,004.76 earned in completely passive income.

What an incredible blessing! The system is working and I am patiently watching the snowball pick up momentum! It is incredible to see what the power of patience and compounding can do to your returns. Here are the details from this month below:

Dividends Received

*All dividends are always reinvested.

There are a few very cool things that happened in this month's total in regards to dividends that I would like to highlight quickly:

1) This is the first time ever where a single holding had a payout in the 4 digits! Vanguard Wellington was a huge payer for me at $1,078 by itself!

2) This is the first time I've ever had a monthly total in the $3000s.  This is awesome and definitely did not happen over night.

Rental Income Received
I have four active rental properties, which if you've been following my story have varying levels of success: my Missouri Rental my Colorado Rental, and my two North Carolina rentals: North Carolina 1 and North Carolina 2.  Listed below is the cash flow that each of these properties provided this month:

As you can see from above, this month had over several hundred dollars in real estate expenses, which I always hate because they come right out of my bottom line cash flow total.  Thankfully 3 of the 4 properties still were positive.

In summary, with dividends and rental cash flow combined, Total Passive Income Received: $4,004.76

I added a little more to my wife's ROTH IRA (~$750), but it was in a few small chunks and I'm still paying down debt and de-levering currently.  Nothing exciting.

Thoughts on This Month
This was an incredible month for Passive Income, and I am so thankful for this month's performance.

Compared to last year's December's total in 2016 of $2,658, my YoY growth for this month was 50.7%. This puts my annual YoY growth average at 60.7% per month. 

With the addition of this month's income to my Progress Tab I now have earned $13,194 in total this year in passive income.  

Thanks for reading as always. I greatly appreciate your comments and will do my best to always respond.  It's been an incredible year and I will save a lot of my concluding thoughts and analysis for my annual review post in a few weeks.  And once my finger heals I will try to write a little more.  Additionally, I've made some improvements to how I track and analyze the data, which I will start in 2018 as well. Take care!

Passive Income Dude 


  1. Congrats dude! That is just awesome... over 1000 bucks from just one source is huge. Congrats on the new high and hitting your goal! The rentals still brought in over 600. Nice. Keep it up

    1. Thanks Passivecanadian! Yea it feels great to be at this point, but we're definitely not there yet. And I was just reading the other day from Tony Robbins' book "Money Master the Game"....“Money itself is not the goal. Our worth is not measure by the weight of our bank accounts, but, rather, the weight of our souls.” :) Take care!

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  2. Phenomenal results! Congratulations on hitting your $13K goal and earning over $4K in passive income in just one month. Great YoY growth! Can't wait to see how you do in 2018!

    1. Thanks Korb! I always appreciate your comments. And yea, to me the YoY growth was the thing I was most pumped about. That metric, to me, is one of the most important in determining your progress! I too am looking forward to 2018. Take care,

  3. PiD -

    DUDE! Nice work, killer income, beat your goal and are setting yourself up right for 2018. Are you aiming for $17.5-$20k in 2018? Pumped for you. Nice job, again.


    1. Hey thanks Lanny. I really appreciate it. It has been YEARS (and years) of savings, and patience, and discipline to finally be at this point, to be honest. So I hope you guys know that this took a lot of time to get to!

      To answer your question, I'm thinking $17k is a good stretch goal. That's 30% growth, which should be achievable if we push hard. Take care bro,

  4. Talk about ending the year on a high note! Stocks, funds, real estate. You created a very nice mixed bag for generating passive income. The system is working indeed!!! Wishing you a strong 2018!

    1. Hey thanks Keith. It has been many years of diligence to get to this point, but I think things are moving in the right direction. Here's to a prosperous 2018!

  5. Super awesome PID. Congrats on ending the year on a very strong note. You broke all kinds of records in December and recorded an impressive 50% YoY growth. Super excited to see what 2018 has in store for you. Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks DivPortfolio! December was an awesome month, and will most likely be that way for the foreseeable future, thankfully. YoY growth was mostly fueled due to steady contributions to our ROTHs and new real estate. Looking forward to doing the same process this year. You're doing great things at your site as well!

  6. Yay congratulations that is awesome. Keep up the good work. All the best for 2018

    1. Thanks Freezeman. I appreciate the comment; it definitely took awhile to get to this point but I think I'm moving in the right direction.

  7. PID....ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Congrats on a killer December. These are the kind of results that motivate me to keep on pushing and keep on scraping to get as much dividend income as possible. I cannot wait to see what you are capable of in 2018.


  8. Wow! Congrats on earning $13,194.24 during the year! That's seriously impressive results. Thanks for the motivation and good luck with your goals in 2018! I'm looking forward to seeing your progress. - Reverse The Crush

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